
Bob FB.png

“Bob” has never had to ask for help before. He has worked hard as a laborer for as long as he can remember. He works long hours and takes pride in supporting his family and taking care of everything they need. He’ll be the first to tell you, “We may not be rich, but we’ve got it all!” So, when Bob finally decided to call POM for help in late April, it was not easy for him. He told us he called several times and hung up without leaving a message. It was just too much for him to say the words out loud.


But eventually he was able to ask and our case managers began the process. Like many during this crazy mixed up time, Bob was unsure how he was going to make ends meet until his work called him back. He didn’t want to file for unemployment because he knew how long that could take and he was hoping to be back on the job soon. But, he had three children to feed and a wife he provides for. Not having ever experienced something like this, he didn’t know what resources were available. When he and his wife visited the drive through food bank for the first time, they were blown away by all the fresh food available. They had expected canned corn and SpaghettiOs.  What they found was the bounty this community was providing each week! They were overwhelmed with gratitude.


Our case managers “met” with Bob over the phone several times, developing a plan to help with rent and, with the food bill much reduced, they were able to use savings to cover things like internet and utilities so their kids could continue with school. It has been two months since Bob finally summoned the courage to ask for help. But his last phone call was easy for him to make. You could hear the smile on his face as he said, “This is the last time you’ll hear from me! I am back to work full time and I won’t need help anymore!”