Frequently asked questions

Are there restrictions on who POM will help?

Plateau Outreach Ministries (POM) helps everyone regardless of race, gender, LGBTQA+, national origin or faith. However, because we have limited resources, our emergency & extended assistance programs, Samaritan Services, are limited to residents who live in or near the cities of Enumclaw, Buckley, Greenwater, Black Diamond, Wilkeson, Carbonado and South Prairie. Our food bank is open to all, and anyone is welcome to shop in our thrift store.

Do you give cash or money to clients?

No. Instead we give vouchers for utilities, rent, shelter, fuel and prescription medications. This allows us to pay service providers directly.

How do you determine who gets vouchers?

We have a very thorough interview process to understand the root of a client’s crisis and help them reach a stable place in their lives. In addition to providing vouchers, food, and clothing, our staff and volunteers are equipped to refer clients to a variety of social service agencies that can provide counseling or additional kinds of assistance. We also conduct follow-up interviews to ensure clients are making progress.

I understand you are church affiliated. Do I have to be a Christian or listen to a sermon to get help?

No. POM’s bylaws state that we will not proselytize. The only “strings” on POM’s assistance, other than our geographic limitations is that our clients work with us to achieve stability in their lives. POM is sponsored in part by the Plateau Ministerial Association, an organization of churches from various Christian denominations. The churches sponsor POM for practical and faith-based reasons. From a practical perspective, the churches feel they can better serve those in need by pooling their resources via POM, which has the expertise and caseworkers to help people move out of crisis. From a spiritual perspective, POM provides a means for the churches and their members to serve as God’s hands by being POM volunteers. They provide a large portion of the over16,000 annual volunteer hours that enable POM to operate with such a small paid staff.

Have questions not answered here? Use the form below to email us, or call 360-825-8961