How many know you can be any age to make an impact in your community?
Donations (and donors) come in sizes big and small.
Powerful story of “Why They Give”
100% of every dollar donated goes directly toward services.
Click Here to Give or mail a check to POM at PO Box 391 Enumclaw, WA 98022
Plateau Outreach Ministries is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.
What would you consider to be building block for someone who is living in crisis? Of course, there are the fundamentals of assistance with food, housing, and utilities. But I think we can all agree that giving someone HOPE is a foundational element, one that can drastically change their outlook on their situation.
You can see by reading the quotes above that our mighty team of Hope Builders feel the same way. Because of their monthly financial support, we are able to plan for the most efficient and impactful use of their donations. This allows our service to the community to be consistent, which is so important for those living in crisis.
If you're interested in moving to a monthly* donation, please click below to setup your recurring gift. Thank you so much for your support and continued partnership - we couldn't do this important work without you!
Simply click the monthly button as you see in the example below.
*Being a Hope Builder doesn't mean you have to give monthly. We include those donors who give recurring gifts quarterly, bi-annually or annually too! Whatever fits your budget and schedule.
click below to learn about other ways you can support POM
Planned or Legacy Giving
Planned or estate giving is a generous way to financially support POM! Planned giving facilitates donors in making larger gifts than they could make from their annual or monthly budget. Planned or estate giving is the act of making a commitment to give a charitable organization a major gift, over time or at death, as part of the donor’s overall financial and estate planning. By including Plateau Outreach Ministries in your estate plan as a beneficiary in your will or life-insurance policy, you leave a legacy that provides a lasting impact for years to come. For more information, please contact us by phone at 360-825-8961 or email at