Please call 360-825-8961 and press #3 to schedule an appointment to meet with a case manager. If you need a time outside the offered schedule due to work etc., we can still help, please ask for special arrangements when calling for an appointment. Effective October 1, case management appointments will take place in person at our POM offices. Special arrangements can be made for virtual appointments on as needed basis.

Samaritan Services

Staff and volunteers at Samaritan Services strive to help those struggling with poverty and adversity to get back on their feet. There are three levels of services available.

  • Emergency Assistance, to help relieve immediate crisis.

  • Extended Services, for those who require more in-depth case management.

  • Turning Point, for those who are ready to commit to a long-term plan to end the cycle of living in crisis.

Emergency Assistance

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Emergency Assistance is typically for those clients who have hit a bump in the road and simply need one-time crisis relief. Help may be in the form of vouchers for rent, power/utility bills, propane, gasoline, medical prescriptions and more. Our case managers meet confidentially and individually with each client to best provide resources for each unique situation.

Extended Services

When case managers identify a client who requires more in depth case management, our Extended Services program can be offered. During this program case managers work one-on-one with the client to develop a short-term plan (usually 2 to 3 months). The plan includes goal setting, steps to achieve those goals, and follow up appointments as necessary. Aid is given along with resources for things like job or education opportunities or financial tools for help with budgeting or cost saving measures.

Turning Point

Clients who are ready to make a commitment to the changes necessary to build long-term stability are invited to apply for the most in-depth level of Samaritan Services called Turning Point. Sometimes, when clients receive resources but no assistance in exploring those opportunities, they can become fearful. If they have never been able to step outside of what they know (e.g. generational poverty) it can be difficult to have a clear picture of a financially stable life. They’ve never seen what it looks like. Therefore, clients may not know how to work towards stability, which leaves them stagnant, unable to move out of the continual crisis in which they live. 

Turning Point goes beyond short term crisis relief and targets clients that show potential for making a longer-term (usually 4 -12 months) commitment to change. Along with financial assistance, the Turning Point Program provides individual mentors to walk-along-side these clients and help them navigate through the fear and into long-term stability.

Hours for Samaritan Services

Samaritan Services are by appointment only. Please call our office to schedule at 360-825-8961, press 3. We ask that as applicable, you bring with you a photo ID and paperwork showing need, i.e. utility shut-off, eviction notice, prescription.

Our office is open Monday - Friday from 9:00 - 3:00 pm. When you call to make an appointment, your scheduler will let you know what times are available.

Appointments can be made for working families outside of normal hours or virtually when needed. Call 360-825-8961

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