Thank you for supporting POM during this difficult time. Without you, we could not continue to compassionately care for our neighbors.

Considered Monthly? Read below…

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If you are not already, would you consider becoming a monthly donor? We call our regular donors Hope Builders. POM’s Hope Builders are those whose financial support comes regularly, allowing us to serve, help, and build hope for those who are feeling desperate and alone.

This year, we have experienced need like we’ve never seen this year, and we know it will continue for many months to come. Monthly donors help us budget and plan our services most efficiently and help us sustain the elevated level of service into 2021.

If becoming a Hope Builder feels like a good fit for you, simply click the ‘Become a monthly donor’ button when making your donation.

Hope is a powerful thing. It gives us momentum, energy and inspiration to move forward. Sometimes just a spark of hope is all it takes to shift crisis into success! Thank you for considering helping us build HOPE for those who need it the most.